Engine Components
The engine consists of engine components and engine support parts. What is meant by engine components include: Cylinder block, cylinder head, mechanical valve, piston fittings, crankshaft, main shaft and successor wheels. While the supporting parts of the engine work include: cooling system, lubrication system, fuel system and ignition system.
a) Cylinder block
In the liner as the place where the combustion process occurs. In addition, it also serves as a component for other components, such as pistons, crankshafts, nozzle shafts. At the top of the cylinder block a cylinder head is mounted and an oil pan is installed at the bottom.
Figure 20. Cylinder Block
b) Cylinder Head
Form a combustion chamber or additional combustion chamber. The cylinder head is also used to place the mechanical fittings of valves, intake lines and also sewers.
Figure 21. Cylinder head
While the type of combustion chamber for diesel motors Direct injection is available: Multi Spherical, Hemispherical and Spherical
There is an indirect combustion chamber for diesel motors (indirect injection): the front combustion chamber (Pre combustion chamber, Swirl chamber) and the air cell model.
C. Valve mechanics (valve mechanism)
Valves are generally placed on the cylinder head. Valve mechanical drive method uses: timing gear, timing chain or with timing belt. The function of the valve is to open and close the combustion chamber according to the process that occurs in the cylinder.
The timing gear model is used on an OHV (Over Head Valve) type motorbike and uses a lifter and push rod.
Timing gear: for connecting the crankshaft rotation with the shaft, while at the same time adjusting the position of the valve with the piston.
The timing chain model is used on OHC type motors (Over Head Cam shafts) or DOHC (Double Over Head Cam shafts). The Nok shaft is located on the cylinder head, is driven by a chain, and the sprocket gear is a substitute for timing gear. The chain tension is regulated by a tensioner and the vibration is muted by the Vibration damper.
In the timing belt model, the shaft is moved by a toothed belt instead of the chain. This type does not require tensioner and lubrication. Cam shaft and crank shaft timing pulley: to adjust the position of the valve with the piston.
D. Piston Completion (Piston Assy)
The piston functions to suck and compress a mixture of fuel and air on a gasoline motor or pure air on a diesel motor, as well as forming a combustion chamber. In addition, the piston also transmits combustion heat to mechanical force on the crankshaft through the piston rod. The piston completeness consists of: piston, piston ring, piston pen and piston rod.
Figure 33. Piston construction (piston)
Compression ring grooves: to place a compression ring
Oil ring grooves: to place oil rings
Boss pin piston: for piston pen holder bearings
Piston pin hole: to place the piston pen
Lands: as a piston ring barrier
Skirt: as a heat sink.
The piston ring consists of a compression ring (compression ring) and ring oil (oil ring). Ring compression as a compression seal while sealing so that the combustion does not propagate down the piston. The oil ring is to sweep the lubricating oil on the cylinder wall to return to the oil pan. For two-step motors do not use the oil ring because the oil pan is separate from the crank chamber.
Figure 35. Piston pin
The piston pen functions to connect the piston with the piston rod so that it can move according to its respective functions. Therefore the connection of piston pens has several types, including: Fixed, full floating and semi floating types
The piston rod serves to change the straight motion of the piston into a rotary motion on the crankshaft.
Small end: to place the piston pen
Big end: for the journal pin holder on the crankshaft
Conecting rod bearings: as a bearing
Oil hole: to deliver cooling oil to the piston
Conecting rod cap: as connecting rod connecting with Journal pin.
E. Crank shaft
The crankshaft receives loads from the piston and piston rod, due to the combustion power. This shaft serves to forward power / rotation to the successor wheels.
Figure 39. Crank shaft
Oil hole: For lubrication channels
Crank pin: for big end pistons
Crank journal: as a fulcrum on the motor block
Counter balance weight: as a round balancing weight
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